Did you know that your head weighs about 12 pounds?
On average, smartphone users spend two to four hours per day hunched over their devices. This significant amount of time substantially increases the forces on your cervical spine. At 45 degrees, your head exerts 49 pounds of force, and at 60 degrees, 60 pounds—this is like carrying a child around on your neck for several hours a day. This extra pressure will lead to a loss in the natural curve of the cervical spine and this decrease in curvature may lead to early wear, tear and degeneration which can result in muscle strain, pinched nerves, herniated discs, headaches, ect... Pay attention to your posture! Myriam Desrosiers, LMT - Therapeutic Massage Back Pain Relief, Headache Relief, Sport Massage, Relaxation, Thai Yoga Massage, Corporate Massage Lafayette, CO 80026
I was reading an article last month on gluteus massage and how many massage therapists are ignoring these important muscles. My brother, who is visiting this week, mentioned that during his last massage session his therapist included the gluts in his session and his reaction was that it felt awkward. In my practice I always include them, unless I am working with a client coming for a headache treatment for example, as I believe a massage wouldn't be complete without them. Let's demystify the subject a little. There are three gluteal muscles - gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. These three muscles are part of the structure that holds the legs to the pelvis. We use them doing most of our every day movements. They are critical players in posture and gait. They stabilize the pelvis and spine, and creates powerful movements at the hip joint. When tight, they can bring back, hip and knee pain as well as poor balance and sometimes shooting pain down the leg. Therapist shouldn't fear to address the gluteus. There is nothing inappropriate about massaging these powerful important muscles. The payoff is worth it and clients will often be surprised how much the release of the gluteal area brings a positive impact on their well being. Myriam Desrosiers, LMT - Therapeutic Massage Back Pain Relief, Headache Relief, Sport Massage, Relaxation, Thai Yoga Massage, Corporate Massage Lafayette, CO 80026 All our kids are back to school so here are a few tips on school backpacks to avoid back pain. Look for backpack design that features:
Tips on how to properly load and wear the backpack:
Watch the weight carried in the backpack:
Myriam Desrosiers, LMT - Therapeutic Massage Back Pain Relief, Headache Relief, Sport Massage, Relaxation, Thai Yoga Massage, Corporate Massage Lafayette, CO 80026 |
the Old School in Draper 12441 S 900 E suite 255 Draper, UT 84020
December 2023